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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lesson 2 of Relationship Study (Part 1): FAILURE & REDEMPTION IN THE 1ST MARRIAGE

Lesson 2: Failure & Redemption in the First Marriage
Part 1 of 5

Hall Memorial CME Church
541 Seibles Road, Montgomery, AL

Rev. Anderson T. Graves II, pastor-teacher

No Bible study at HMCME July 20th (Join us for VBS from 6-8 P.M.) or July 27th.(We’ll be at the Alabama Regional Conference in Auburn.) We’ll continue the lessons online, here on the blog and on Facebook

Read Genesis chapter 3.   Post your answers as comments. We’ll share online.

Genesis chapters 1 and 2 present the ideal marriage.  Genesis chapter 3 gives a step-by-step narrative of how a good marriage can fall apart.  The purpose of this lesson is to understand what went wrong and how to deal with it. After all, at the end of all their problems, remember that Adam and Eve stayed married & gave birth to everybody.

Part 1 of 5

1. Look at Genesis 3: 1, 4. Note the qualifying words (indeed, surely) in the serpent’s questions and statements to Woman. How do these qualifiers more effectively create doubt than a straightforward invitation to disobey God?

2. Look at Genesis 3: 5,6. What did Satan present as enticing about the tree of knowledge? Looking at Genesis 3: 6, what did Woman find appealing about the tree of knowledge?

3. Did the woman give in to the serpent’s temptation solely based on his words or was some of the temptation from within herself? In other words, did the devil make her do it? (Consider James 1: 13-15.)

4. Where was Adam when his wife ate from the tree of knowledge (Genesis 3: 6)?

5. Woman ate the forbidden fruit first, then the man after her. Whose eyes “were opened” first?

6. Compare Genesis 3: 7 to Genesis 2: 25. What’s changed?

7. Considering the discussion in lesson 1 (question #19) about what it means for a husband and wife to be naked and unashamed, what are the implications of Genesis 3:7 for modern marriages?

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